Monday, September 21, 2009

Post #21

Well folks, the great spirit quest/trek has ended, and I think ended well. A few facts...

-18,151 miles
-Approximately 50-60 cities (10,000+)
-67 days on the road
-3 hotels
-10 Walmarts
-5 gas stations/truck stops
-A lot of great friends and family
-About 3,000 pictures and 450 videos
-Too much fun

We had a great time, and thank you so much to all the people who were so kind to give us a place to stay and often a bite to eat. We saw just about as much of North America as we could in two months. So please be patient, Rog is compiling the photos and video and we'll soon have a collection put together. For those interested we'll be posting more stuff somewhere soon, but for now, thanks to all and to all a good night.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Post #13

I wear my sunglasses at night...

If you have not seen Carlsbad Cavern, please do. It is quite good. In the immortal words of David St. Hubbins, "these go to 11". Really, do go, extremely worth it. A few more tidbits below.

We've been busy the last week or so, basically made a tear through the south. Last friday we were in Gainsville, FL, went to Key West, decided on the way back to see the shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral, stopped and saw Skip and Debbie in Panama City, saw the Toms in Vicksburg (the Army Waterways Experiment Station is a civil engineer's playground), went to New Orleans, stopped and saw Daniel K. in Austin, visited the Alamo, had steak in Odessa (couldn't find the hotel from No Country for Old Men), and were pretty much blown away in Carlsbad.

Today is the Grand Canyon, then on to Vegas. Only one more week then back to reality. Been a great trip so far, and we're looking forward to sharing more with you all when we get get back. Few tidbits below.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Post #8

Better Nathan?

Not sure how they live with beards down here in the south. Humidity makes it awfully frizzy, unkempt, and downright unmanageable.

Let's all cheer for a moment of sublime whimsy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Post #5

So Tennessee started off slow, but closed well. I honestly don't know how the state functions with only four workdays in a week. Apparently everyone closes on Monday, or at least three restaurants, a museum, and a multitude of other shops and stores were all closed today. Anyhow, the Jack Daniel's Distillery was neat, and the live music and BBQ downtown was good, so all in all, +10 points for Nashville and Tennessee.

Pics below...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vid #7

Probably the most surreal experience so far, Hershey Chocolate World. Just wow. We pull into Hershey PA with a gigantic thunderstorm brewing, dark clouds looming, warm, sticky air threatening to undo our wonderful day in the Amish country, and take a step into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Imagine 10,000 people all clamoring to fit into a Disneyland type ride with flashing lights, singing cows, chocolatey smells, and a bizarre narrator. Awesome.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Post #3

East Coast America...

Very cool. For those following the progress, we're in Philadelphia today, leaving for DC. We spent two days in Boston, a day in Hartford, two days in NYC, and 3 days here in Philadelphia. Lotsa neat things to see and do, so maybe I'll just post some pics.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Post #2

It turns out the bus is taking the same route that we are so I have a few more moments to spare.

Ummm, GPS devices can be devious little machines. For example, ours took us past Fenway at the same time as a Red Sox game was just beginning. Just devious.